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Trump MAGA HQ opens in Long Beach


Updated: Feb 3, 2024

On Saturday, January 27, 2024, Long Beach welcomed a new HQ not only for the Trump 2024 campaign, but also for MAGA volunteers, conservative groups, and America First candidates.

Patriot Precincts Project hosted the Open House for well over 60 guests and volunteers.

Patriot Precincts Project aka P3 Leadership team (Cynthia Gabaldon, Lead Trainer and Leslie O'Connor Lead Admin) presented the trainees with relevant topics, directions, and information that they could implement immediately in their own neighborhoods. Forms and handouts were provided to insure that the material covered in person could be referred to multiple times. A sample of what a precinct walk list looked like was also made available for practical purposes. New sample voter ballots were also part of the handout set. And so were links to critical websites such as which allows voters to check their registration status.

After an hour and a half of training, the volunteers broke for lunch. And what a lunch it was...

all provided generously by some of our donors. An international mix of food consisted of Filipino fare (yum, lumpia), Italian (mama mia pasta), and good old fashioned American fried chicken.

Once everyone had their stomachs filled, Election Integrity Project-Ca (Jen) gave an indepth presentation on what to expect during the Primary. After Jen's talk, Casey Carver, LAGOP

Voter Registration Lead, discussed the CA bounty program which pays volunteers for every registration they collect. The amount is split between the Assembly Districts and the county Party. There are two camps on how to vote this election.

EIP-CA strongly recommends voting in person same day. CAGOP wants people to vote early by mail or at the voter centers. The choice really comes down to what kind of a person you are or are helping. Voting early or by mail is often directed at those who are low propensity voters. High propensity voters who vote at every election often choose to vote same day and in person. Whichever way you choose to vote, please please, JUST VOTE!

AND GET OTHERS TO VOTE WITH YOU! Adopt 10 other party members to support and encourage to turn out. Imagine if we all and each one of us did harvest the votes (ballots) of ten others. We and America First candidates could actually win!

Three local candidates actually attended to introduce themselves to potential volunteers and court donations for their campaigns. John Cruikshank for 4th District LA Supervisor, Joshua Rodriguez for Assembly #69 (covers Long Beach), and Stephan Hohil for Assembly 51 covering Santa Monica.

After a quick Q and A and some lingering to network, the rest of the attendees gathered to walk around the corner to do a Trump2024 Overpass Rally. Reports coming back suggested over 70% positive honks vs 30% bird signals.

All in all, it was an exhilarating day of WE LOVE PRESIDENT TRUMP syndrome. The prevailing vibe was that of we American Patriots will work hard to overcome any cheating the Democrats throw our way by TURNING OUT THE VOTES massively.

Success begets success and it's our turn to WIN!

We want you to join our WINNING Effort for 2024.

We can Do IT! And this new brick and mortar Trump MAGA HQ is just a start.

Visit us at:

1959 E. Spring Street

Long Beach, CA 90806

(close to the Cherry Blvd exit from the 405 in Long Beach)

Current hours are: Tu/Fri 10 am - 2 pm



We have a lot of information to share stay tuned!

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